A Customized CRM for Financial Professions1.866.593.8020

Getting an error with a reference number when you sign-in?


Are you getting an error with a reference number when you are try to sign into Pareto Platform CRM? [blankline]



If you are getting an error with a long reference number when you try to sign-in, you are likely using an old ‘favorite’ link to access the CRM sign-in page. Sometimes the web address of our log-in page changes as we add new servers.  In those cases, links to the older addresses no longer work.  For this reason, we suggest that you only make a ‘favorite’ link to the actual CRM only once you get signed-in. microsoft dynamics sign-in screenshotTo fix this, type in the CRM address into the address bar in your browser and hit enter. (i.e. myorg.paretoplatform.com)  Your browser should then redirect you to the correct, current sign-in page. If you don't remember what your CRM address is, you should be able to find the link to it in the email with your access details that we sent you when you signed-up.  If you can't find that, please call us at 800-732-2857 and we will be happy to help! Once you have successfully logged in on the current sign-in page, and after the CRM has fully loaded, make a new ‘favorite’ link from there.
Pareto Platform
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